- Pembroke Lakes Elementary
- Learning at Pembroke Lakes
Learning Explorations at Pembroke Lakes

Reading, writing, math, science, and the arts are all essential skills to develop in children at a young age. The more children learn when they are young, the better they become as adults. We want to teach your children the academic skills they will need to prepare them for their next level of learning.
Create a Focus Parent Portal Account to monitor your student's progress and to access their grades.
Academic Resources at Pembroke Lakes
Digital Literacy Resources
The links below will help with logging on to CANVAS and allow students, parents, and staff access to the District's most commonly used applications. All program data and application settings will be the same as when you logged in on campus.
How to Login to Canvas (Spanish)
Parent Information Hub (Canvas)
Student Laptop Troubleshooting
Canvas, SSO, Teams, and eTextbook Instructions for Students (English)
Canvas, SSO, Teams, and eTextbook Instructions for Students (Haitian Creole)
Canvas, SSO, Teams, and eTextbook Instructions for Students (Spanish)
Visit Online Education Resources for Parents | Microsoft Education
Pinnacle Grade Book – Parent/Student Access The ability to monitor grades, attendance, and any assignment information can now be securely viewed from your Internet Browser at home. This secured access requires an Internet connection and a confidential username and password issued to the student by the school.
1. Navigate to your student's Clever Dashboard and locate Pinnacle Grade Viewer
2. Click on the icon and then enter the secure login information in the format shown below: User Name: student#@my.browardschools.com (Student ID number) Password: PMM/DD/YYYY (“P” followed by student birthdate) EXAMPLE User Name: 0612345678@my.browardschools.com Password: P09/09/1999
3. You can also navigate directly to the Pinnacle grade book by visiting: https://gb.browardschools.com/pinnacle/gradebook/
The User ID and password confidentiality is crucial - Do NOT give to other people.
Please allow teachers sufficient turnaround time to enter grades.
Missing assignments may be calculated in a variety of ways. Please check with your teacher for the grade level's guidelines.
If you need the student ID number, or have any questions, please contact the student’s homeroom teacher.
Reading and Writing
Students learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language at an early age. At our school, we provide students with the skills necessary to be successful from their school years through their careers. Our reading and writing instruction helps students use a balance of informational and literary resources. It also provides opportunities to use academic vocabulary in speaking and writing. Students also learn how to write using text-based evidence.
Recommended Reading and Writing Resources
- AR Bookfinder
- BAS Continuum Question Stems
- Just Read Families - Summer Program
- PBS Kids
- Readworks
- Seussville
- Sight Word Phrases
Our mathematics instruction builds conceptual understanding, develops students’ procedural fluency, and promotes higher-order thinking skills. In learning and understanding mathematics, our students develop “habits of mind”. They learn math strategies, talk about the math they are learning, and solve problems. These mathematical practices help students learn to apply mathematics to real-world situations.
Recommended Math Resources
Science helps our students engage in inquiry-based learning from a critical thinking approach. Engaging lessons allow students to experience science directly or through rich multimedia. Our instructional approach puts students in positions to research and find solutions.
Recommended Science Resources
Social Studies
Social Studies helps our students develop informed and logical decisions for the public good. As citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society, and interdependent world, we teach our students how to be informed citizens. The foundation for Social Studies teaches our students to ask questions and think about topics in areas of American history, geography, economics, civics, and government.
Standard Resources by Grade