Get Involved

Elementary, middle, and high school students working at their group levels in a club
  • Clubs and organizations are a great way to help develop character and the skills that will benefit you in school, your career, and in life. Skills like commitment, leadership, effective communication, and being able to work successfully in a group all come from participating in a club or organization. Joining a club is a great way to make friends, develop leadership skills, and boost your college resumé.

  • BCCTM Math Club

    Select students in both 4th and 5th grade will be participating in weekly meetings that will review math skills as well as provide enrichment.  The Pembroke Lakes Elementary Mathematics Teams will take part in the annual Broward County Council of Teaching Mathematics (BCCTM) competition in the Spring.

    For additional information, please contact Mrs. Zaleta at or Mrs. Orrett at 

    In the Spring, the Pembroke Lakes Elementary Mathematics Teams will take part in the annual Broward County Council of Teaching Mathematics (BCCTM) competition.

  • Chorus

    Pembroke Lakes Pelican Performers comprises third, fourth, and fifth grade students interested in singing and choreography. Members learn to read music and are selected for the singing and leadership abilities they have displayed during their audition and time in music class. The chorus performs at various functions during the school year, such as our Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, community events, and annual Winter and Spring shows.

    Chorus Auditions and Pelican Performers will meet every Monday from 2-3 p.m. except school holidays.

    For additional information, please get in touch with Mr. Carney at and Mr. Mescha at


  • Debate Club

    PLE Speech and Debate Club is a dynamic club where our students in grades three through five build vital communication and critical thinking skills. Guided by experienced mentors, participants engage in structured debates that foster confident public speaking, teamwork, and an appreciation for diverse viewpoints. Join us as we empower your child to excel as a poised and open-minded communicator equipped for success in academia and beyond.

    For additional information, please get in touch with Mrs. Fossella at or Mrs. Raphael at 

  • Drama Club

    PLE Drama Club is an exciting creative space where our 2nd through 5th grade students show off their talents. Passionate sponsors lead our club and provide a nurturing environment for students to explore the world of acting, storytelling, and self-expression. Children develop confidence, communication skills, and a strong sense of teamwork through imaginative play, improvisation, and scripted performances. Join us as we ignite your child's imagination and foster a love for the performing arts, helping them shine both on and off the spotlight.

    For additional information, please contact Mrs. Cepeda at or Ms. Shearer at 

  • Pelican Pals

    Pelican Pals is a reverse inclusion club that focuses on acceptance and diversity.  It is comprised of select fifth-grade students who have unparalleled patience and love.  These students spend time in our Special Program classes making a tremendous impact on the lives of students with varying disabilities. We are so proud of the student’s accomplishments this year.  They assist with the practice and participation of the Special Olympics, including Track and Field and Basketball.  They also help execute a variety of science and sensory projects during their weekly classroom visits.  These students are mentors, but most importantly, friends.

    For additional information, please contact Mrs. Suarez at 


    PLETV is our morning announcement program that airs every school day beginning at 8:00 AM.  The program is run by a select group of fifth-grade students who were chosen for their leadership qualities, reading skills, speaking abilities, and citizenship qualities.  The PLETV team is scheduled on a rotation to allow more student participation in this fun and challenging activity.

    For additional information, please contact Mrs. Katrina Fossella at

  • Safety Patrol/Crime Watch

    The safety patrols are a special group of students selected because of their exemplary behavior and leadership skills displayed during their attendance at Pembroke Lakes Elementary. Their duties include the following:

    • Report to duty by 7:25 a.m. with their safety patrol belt on
    • Encourage students to follow school rules at all times
    • Monitor the students as they sit in their grade level hallways in the morning
    • Report to the advisor, administrator, or other staff members when needing assistance
    • Attend and participate in monthly safety patrol meetings

     For additional information, please get in touch with Mr. Mescha at


  • SAVE Promise Club

    PLE SAVE Promise Club is where our 5th grade students unite for safety, kindness, and respect. Led by caring mentors, we address vital topics like bullying prevention and mental health awareness through discussions and projects, nurturing responsible and empathetic young leaders. Join us in creating a positive impact that reaches beyond the classroom.

    For additional information, please contact Mrs. Fossella at or Mrs. Raphael at 

  • Student Leadership Council

    The Student Leadership Council is comprised of select 4th and 5th-grade students who have shown leadership qualities throughout their time at Pembroke Lakes Elementary. They represent our entire student population and assist our school and community in several ways. The Student Leadership Council helps coordinate our Harvest Drive to collect food for families in need at Thanksgiving. We are holding the “Give Change To Make A Change” campaign which has raised over $600 in the past years to purchase gifts for underprivileged children to help make their holiday season a little brighter.

    There are also school-based activities for which the Student Leadership Council is responsible. The SLC members come up with the themes and various activities for Red Ribbon Week. The members also assist in running field day stations for the primary students and with our Jump Rope for Heart fundraiser to benefit the American Heart Association. Throughout the year, SLC provides assistance for other activities whenever called upon.


    For additional information, please contact Mr. Serdenes 

  • Safety Patrol/Crime Watch

    The safety patrols are a special group of students that have been selected because of the exemplary behavior and leadership skills that they have displayed during their attendance at Pembroke Lakes Elementary. Their duties include the following:

    • Report to duty by 7:25 a.m. with their safety patrol belt on
    • Encourage students to follow school rules at all times
    • Monitor the students as they sit in their grade level hallways in the morning.
    • Report to the advisor, administrator, or other staff members when needing assistance
    • Attend and participate in monthly safety patrol meetings

     For additional information, please contact Mr. Mescha at