• Student Success

    Student Success Step Ladder showing stick figure students ranging from "I won't" to"I will" - Success
    Be Accountable
    How is one expected to be accountable at school? You may ask yourself, what can I do?  Well, here are some examples that will help you succeed. 
    • Follow dress code
    • Display positive interaction
    • Carrying all belongings needed for school

    Use these examples on how to be accountable and you will help ensure your success. 

    Be Responsible
    All students are expected to be responsible at school. You may ask yourself, what does this mean?  Here are some examples that will help you succeed.  
    • Arrive on time 
    • During the classroom period, leave and enter class with a pass 
    • If approved to park on campus, use only assigned student parking areas

    Following this simple expectation of being responsible and the listed examples can help ensure your success.

    Display Self-Control
    How is one expected to display self-control at school? You may ask yourself, how can I do that? Here are some examples that will help you succeed
    • Comply with instructions and directions 
    • Accept boundaries of others in hallways
    • Move to class quickly without delay

    Use these examples in displaying self-control and you will help ensure your success. 

  • Paladin's Pantry and Closet

    Student pantry  logoClick to download flyer

  • Student Volunteer Service Program

    The Service Learning Graduation Requirement and the Student Volunteer Service Program work to acquaint high school students with the need to become participating agents of change by providing service to both their school and the community.   

    For more information, see the Student Service Learning page.

  • Prepare and Register for ACT and SAT

    ACT SAT logo


  • E-Learning Instructions

    Access to adopted textbooks, Canvas learning management system and dozens of other resources are available through the Clever portal. Students can access their suite of resources via the Single-Sign-On LaunchPad.  Click here for instructions on How to use Single-Sign-On in  English | Spanish | Haitian Creola | Portuguese

    Microsoft Teams
    Download the Teams Desktop App Onto a Computer / Descarga la App de Microsoft Teams para escritorio en tu computadora / Men kijan pou enstale Aplikasyon Teams nan sou òdinatè / Como Baixar o Aplicativo Teams no Computador.  Click here for instructions on how to download teams in English | Spanish | Haitian Creola | Portuguese