• Immunization Requirements

    Immunization Requirements for students entering the 7th grade

    Prior to entering the 7th grade, all students must provide a Florida Certificate of Immunization (DH 680) stating that their immunizations are complete for 7th-grade entry.  Please note that in addition to compliance with all other required immunizations, children entering the 7th grade in Florida schools must have received one dose of the tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap) vaccine.

    Your child may need additional immunizations and/or you may just need to turn in the updated DH 680 form.

    You may request the form from one of the following:

    1) your child’s physician’s office

    2) visit a public health center

    3) or get your child’s DH 680 form online via Florida SHOTS

     For a guide on how to retrieve your child’s 680 online, please click Florida SHOTS Parent Retrieval Quick Tips Guide.

    Only original 680 DH forms are accepted, please do not turn in copies. The form must have the signature of the responsible healthcare provider, either by hand or by means of an electronic signature verification ID from Florida SHOTS.

    Please review the form prior to turning it into the registrar’s office because forms with errors will not meet state requirements.