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Transportation Information

Student Bus Stop Information

After October 1 of each school year, Broward School Board Policy 5300 allows for a student otherwise not eligible for transportation, to ride if there is a seat available on route (s) that serve the school. “Empty Seat Applications” are processed through the student’s school of attendance after October 1st of each school year.


Below is a list of our five Transportation Terminals, routes they service and main contact number.


• North Transportation (routes 1000-1999)   754-321-4000
• Central Transportation (routes 2000-2999)  754-321-4480
• South Transportation (routes 3000-3999)   754-321-4100
• Central West Transportation (routes 4000-4999)  754-321-4150
• South West Transportation (routes 5000-5999)   754-321-8025

There are just under 1,000 school buses used by Broward District Schools on daily routes, transporting more than 73,000 students to and from school, and driving more than 16 million miles to 234 locations.  This department collaborates with all schools to communicate transportation information to students and parents.
Transportation Services
Transportation Services