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Apply/Renew Free and Reduced Lunch Online is an easy and convenient way for parents and guardians to submit applications online. There is no fee for using the ApplyforLunch website to submit your application for benefits and the service is provided free of charge by your District.  Click on the link below to access information about this program:


Please don't forget to apply/renew your application for free and reduced breakfast and lunch today!  The deadline to renew the application is October 2nd.  If you don’t apply by then you will be terminated from the program.  Call the Food and Nutrition and Services Department at 754-321-0250 or email for assistance.

Parents should go online to to fill out their application.  It is a quicker way to apply.


En Español

Por favor, necesita renovar una solicitud para los desayunos y almuerzos gratis y/o a precio reducido hoy!  El último día para entregar la aplicación es antes del 2 de octubre, 2021.
Llame al Departamento de Servicios Alimentarios y Nutrición al 754-321-0250 ó envíe un email a para asistencia.