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Innovative Programs

Overview of Innovative Programs

Innovative Programs are schools that provide unique or thematic instruction to attract and maintain home boundary student enrollment. Marketing will target students living within the home school boundary. Stabilization of enrollment will be from existing boundaries. Innovative Programs support unique or thematic instruction within matriculating feeder patterns. There is no application process for Innovative Programs. Magnet schools/programs that no longer meet the policy criteria to stabilize enrollment will transition to an Innovative Program, while continuing the implementation of thematic instruction for in-boundary students.

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)

Sheridan Park Elementary is laying the tracks for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics that will transport 21st century learners into the future. Students are STEAMing through the stations as they travel the tracks through inquiry-based experiences and real-world problem solving and technology skills. Teachers are the conductors encouraging natural curiosity and imagination that travels beyond the classroom walls.