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Student ID's and Dress Code Information
BEGINNING TUESDAY, September 6, 2022,
Student IDs play a significant role in the safety and security plan of our school. Students must wear their school issued ID at all times when on the Coral Springs Middle School campus.
- A valid student ID will be required at all times during the school day and at all school sponsored events including athletic events, plays, concerts, etc.
- Students wishing to attend field trips and other school related activities must present their IDs to the supervising adult on the day of the field trip and/or activity. Students without a valid ID before departure will not be allowed to attend the field trip or activity.
- Students are not allowed to deface their IDs by coloring, adding stickers, or changing the design of the ID in any way. Students who alter the original picture and design of their ID must replace the ID.
- ALL students have received at least on ID.
Dress Code
Appropriate dress and grooming can help to create a positive learning environment. Other attire may be allowed for special school activities with the approval of the school administration. Possible consequences for violating the dress code are found in the Discipline Matrix. Changes in clothing trends will not override the dress code policy. Crocs must be in "sport" mode (sling back), no hoodies, and no clothes that are exposing to name a few.
Closed toe and closed back shoes are recommended for your child's safety.
CSMS will follow SBBC Policy 5309 and the Code of Student Conduct.
All students are expected to honor their responsibilities and dress in a way that respects the rights of others.
- Students have a right to wear stylish clothes of their choice as long as those clothes are appropriate for school, are not dangerous to health and safety, and do not create a substantial and material disruption of the school.