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Start with Hello Week: 9/16-9/20


Dear Parents/Guardians,

In every school and in every community, there are young people who suffer silently because they feel left out, alone or invisible. The Sandy Hook Promise non-profit organization is working with Broward County Schools to spread the “Start with Hello” program to our school community this year.  Research shows that social isolation is a growing epidemic in the United States and within our schools.  As a result, many of these children pull away further from society, struggle with learning and social development, and/or choose to hurt themselves or others.  Start with Hello (SWH) week raises awareness and teaches students how to be more socially inclusive and connected to each other.  By participating in SWH week, Indian Ridge Middle will join hundreds of schools and youth organizations from across the United States to empower young people to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness!  Please note the following activities for Start with Hello Week 2024:

Monday September 16- Students will be encouraged to wave and smile to their peers

Tuesday September 17- Students will be encouraged to introduce themselves to someone at school they do not know

Wednesday September 18- Students will be encouraged to give one another compliments throughout the day

Thursday September 19- Students will be encouraged to practice random acts of kindness

Friday September 20- Students will be encouraged to write a positive message on a sticky note and post it to the bulletin board near room #150

We encourage you to become familiar with the Sandy Hook Promise’s Start with Hello campaign and to talk with your child about the importance of being up- standers and looking out for one another.

For more information about Sandy Hook Promise, please visit: