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PSAT/ NMSQT Testing Information

A blue and black rectangular sign with white textDescription automatically generatedPSAT NMSQT™ School Day

Wednesday, October 23, 2024






THE PSAT NMSQT™ is an assessment closely aligned to the SAT, with Reading/ Writing and Math sections.

PSAT/NMSQT Student Guide (

Who takes the PSAT NMSQT?

  • Broward County Public Schools registers and pays for all 9th and 10th grade students enrolled in Broward County Public Schools.
  • 11th graders take the PSAT NMSQT to qualify for the National Merit Scholarship or to achieve a concordant score for the Algebra 1 graduation testing requirement.  There is an $11.50 fee for 11th graders.  Payment can be made at Cooper City High’s eStore.
  • 12th graders who have not met their Algebra 1 testing requirement will take the PSAT NMSQT at no charge.

What if I don’t attend Cooper City High?
Students who do not attend Cooper City High can take the PSAT NMSQT.  To be registered, you must complete the form and pay for the exam.

What are the benefits to taking the PSAT NMSQT?

  • PSAT NMSQT is the only qualifying test for the National Merit® Scholarship Program, an academic competition for recognition and scholarships conducted by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Cooper City High students score an average of 10% higher in Math, English/ Reading, and overall score than other students in the District, State, and Nation.
  • Gives students the chance to access over $300 million in scholarship opportunities.
  • Broadens student’s access to AP programs. Students who have the potential to be successful in AP courses based on their performance on the PSAT NMSQT. 57% of the students who took the PSAT NMSQT in October 2023 indicated success in one or more AP courses
    National Merit Scholarship Corporation - Overview 
  • Get your AP Potential access: personalized recommendations about AP courses that are a good fit.

How is the PSAT NMSQT administered?
Students take the PSAT NMSQT on a school laptop using the Bluebook application.

What’s on the PSAT NMSQT?
Visit: What's on the PSAT/NMSQT? – SAT Suite | College Board

Reading/ Writing Section- 54 questions are evenly divided between 2 modules.

Math Section- 44 questions are evenly divided between 2 modules.

Preparing for the PSAT/NMSQT:
College Board provides everything you need to prepare for test day: Preparing for the PSAT/NMSQT – SAT Suite | College Board 

What should I bring to PSAT NMSQT testing?
Student ID, 2 pencils, College Board-approved calculator, jacket, and light snack. (


When are PSAT NMSQT scores released?

The College Board releases the PSAT NMSQT scores in mid-November. Students can log into their College Board account for a detailed score report, which enables them to review their strengths and weaknesses to better prepare for future exams.