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Our SPH SGA attended the annual county convention, Broward County Association of Student Councils, BCASC, held at Pompano Beach High School! 

If you have any of these students, please congratulate them. 


A big shout out to our very own, Joss Collins, for serving as the 2022-2023 BCASC President! You have done an amazing job, and SPHS is super proud of you!


SPHS ran as secretary, with our rep Desire Abraham, and will now serve as the 2023-2024 BCASC secretary! 


Joss will continue serving our county as the 2023-2024 Intern for the Student Activities with Mrs. Santiago from Broward County Student Activities! 


SPHS SGA received gold medallion council for BCASC for the 25+ consecutive year!!! 

Won first place for project category Citizenship Development: Virtual Honor Flight, and third for Faculty and Staff: Hot Chocolate Shop! 


Our SPHS Kayla Shariff will serve as our representative for our County District 6 Superintendent Student Advisory Committee for the 2023-2024 school year!


Cassidy Stumer, served as the District 6 SSAC representative for the 2022-2023 year and won a $250 scholarship from BCASC! 


We had a great time today and are so proud of our SGA!

We can’t wait for the next year!!