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2024-2025 After-care & Before-care Registration - Click here.

Below is the link for before and aftercare registration. Be sure to click on "school" and scroll down to Pembroke Lakes Elementary. Aftercare registration begins on July 29 at 10:00 A.M. and is done on a first come, first served basis. Once you register, please DO NOT make any payment until you receive an email stating that your child has a spot in the program. Once you receive the email that you have a spot, please go on to make the payment within 48 hours as after that the spot may be given to another student if we have a wait list.

Please be aware that NO registrations received after 12:00 PM on Friday, August 9, will be processed until Wednesday, August 14. This means that any student whose registration is received after 12:00 PM on Friday, August 9 will not be able to begin before or aftercare until Thursday, August 15, IF there is still space for them in the program.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Coach Serdenes at