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Principal's Message
Dear Bayview Families,
Welcome to December...an exciting time at Bayview! A few upcoming events include F.A.S.T. Benchmark #2, Field Days (all grades) and celebrating this winter season and our Bayview family. We always end December with our Pajama Day, Sing-along and a few holiday surprises. On Tuesday, our Soaring Scholars Camp begins (The full calendar of events and dates is outlined below.)
November’s character trait was Citizenship and we will be showcasing students on Tuesday, December 17th for Grades K - 2 students and on Wednesday, December 18th for Grades 3 - 5 on WBAY with certificates and treats (Invitations will be emailed early this week). December's character trait is Kindness: Being helpful, thoughtful, caring, compassionate and considerate. We can demonstrate kindness by smiling, being friendly, giving compliments, treating everyone fairly, and doing something to help without being asked.
Florida’s statewide, standardized assessments in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics are aligned with the Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.). The Florida Assessment of Student Thinking is administered as a progress monitoring assessment, which students participate in three times per year (September, December and May). As we begin this mid-year benchmark, it's urgent that we have 100% attendance. This data allows us to individualize instruction for every student as well as to update our intervention programs. As our staff interprets the newest data from this month's assessments, teachers will communicate areas of growth as well as those needing additional instruction with each of you.
Bayview's December F.A.S.T. Schedule
December 2 - Grade 5 Math (Students attending Williamsburg must be in attendance for testing on this day.)
December 3 - Grades 3 and 4 Reading
December 4 - Grade 5 Reading (Students attending Williamsburg must be in attendance for testing on this day.)
December 5 - Grades 3 and 4 Math
December 9 - Grade 2 STAR Math
December 10 - Grades Kindergarten and Grade 1 - STAR Math
December 11 - Grade 2 STAR Reading
December 12 - Grades Kindergarten and Grade 1 - STAR Reading
Bayview's Activity Calendar and Events
December 3 - Debate Club Meeting (Grade 5) - 2:15, Soaring Scholar's Camp - 2:15 (Camp questions can be directed to Ms. Mueller.)
December 5 - Soaring Scholar's Camp - 2:15
December 9 - Grade 5's Field Trip to Williamsburg, Virginia
December 10 - Soaring Scholar's Camp - 2:15, Debate Club Meeting (Grades 4-5) - 2:15
December 12 - Soaring Scholar's Camp- 2:15, Fort Lauderdale High School Showcase event (more details forthcoming)
December 13 - Grade 1's Gabie Bus Event
December 16 - Field Day (Grades Pre-K, K and 1)
December 17 - Field Day (Grades 2 and 3), Soaring Scholar's Camp- 2:15, Kids of Character Recognition (K-2) by invite
December 18 - Field Day (Grades 4 and 5), Grades K and 1 Holiday Celebration, Kids of Character Recognition (3-5) by invite
December 19 - Soaring Scholar's Camp- 2:15, Grades 2, 3, 4 and 5 Holiday Celebration
December 20 - Pajama Day and Bayview's Winter Sing-A-Long Event
Interim Reports were posted in FOCUS on November 22nd. Interim progress reports are used to keep parents informed of academic and behavioral progress as well as to report any academic difficulties, unacceptable behaviors or excessive absences and/or tardiness.
December reminders for success!
*The first bell rings at 7:50 and all students are expected to be seated and ready to learn at the 8:00 bell and to be present in school.
*Please make sure that your child(ren) are in attendance and punctual each day.
*We ask parents in the car line to remain in their cars and continue moving vehicle up until your child is picked up.
*Any change in a student's dismissal must be pre-arranged with the office and in writing with the teacher. Signing out students in the office for early dismissal ends at 1:30 pm.
*If your emergency dismissal and/or contact information has changed, please notify the school.
The School Choice Application Window is open for the 2025 - 2026 school year and will close on Tuesday, January 21st. School Choice provides parents with the option to apply to a school (in grades Kindergarten through 12) other than their assigned school. This application window includes Reassignments, Magnet Program, and Nova Schools. Visit www.browardschools.com/schoolchoice and select Explore Your Options to read about the choices, the schools, and the academic programs.
Thank you to our PTA and all of our students and families for making this year's Booster-thon a huge success...A+
I look forward to seeing all of you on Monday morning 🙂
Mr. Breslaw
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FXE_Aviation_Day_2024.pdf (4.6 MB)
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SSEP_Poster_English.pdf (939.6 KB)