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Pick up/Drop off Procedures



STUDENTS WHO WALK OR RIDE BICYCLES SHOULD NOT ARRIVE AT CROSSING POINTS MORE THAN ONE HALF HOUR BEFORE THE START OF SCHOOL, AS THE CROSSING GUARDS  WILL  NOT  BE  PRESENT. The  crossing guards are in authority and are to be obeyed. Bicycle riders are expected to observe all bicycle safety rules including staying on the sidewalks, walking bicycles on campus and parking at the bike racks. Helmets are to be worn by all bicycle riders. Please be sure that all bicycles are locked, because it is impossible to monitor the bike areas during the day. Scooters are not allowed at school.




We want you to travel safely between home and school. In order to be safe it is necessary for you to know and obey the following rules:


1.  The  bus driver is in full charge of the bus and students. You must obey the bus driver.

2.  No pushing or “rough-housing” while waiting for the bus.

3.  Stay off the road while waiting for the bus.

4.  Stay in your seat at all times.

5.  The driver has the right to assign certain seats to students to keep order on the bus.

6.  Keep your arms and head inside the window.

7.  Do not eat or drink while on the bus.

8.  Animals, glass containers, sharp objects, balls, bats, or other similar objects may not be

     carried on the bus.

9.  No loud noises are permitted.  


The above rules are for your safety and the safety of all the boys and girls who ride the bus. If the rules are not followed, a referral will be given by the driver.


On the first referral, the student will come to the office and discuss the actions with the assistant principal. On the second  referral, the student will again discuss the behavior with the assistant principal and parents will be contacted.  On the third referral, the student’s bus privileges will be suspended for a minimum of three days. However, if the behavior warrants, immediate suspension can take place.


The number one threat to bus safety is student misbehavior which distracts drivers.  We want this to be a safe year for Country Isles students.


Students may not change buses to visit with friends. Students will be placed on their regular bus, including all daycare buses. Any changes require advanced administrative approval.



Car riders may be picked up at the front of the school or at the loop on the east side of the school. Teachers will escort kindergarten through second grade students to the east side loop.  All siblings are to meet at the east side loop. All other third through fifth grade car riders will use the front loop.


To insure a safe and orderly arrival and dismissal, please adhere to the following procedure:


    • Please drive your car forward as far as you can to keep traffic lanes open.
    • All drop-offs or pick-ups must be made at the sidewalk, not from a left lane of traffic.
    • Cars may not be left unattended in the moving lane of traffic.
    • Children must be escorted by an adult if they are to cross the parking lot.
    • Pupils will wait on the sidewalk until their car has moved as far forward as possible.

  Never call children to your car if it is not at the curb and stopped. 

    • Please park only in designated parking spaces.
    • Please do not use cell phones in the school zones.
    • Due to safety and time issues, teachers will not be able to have conferences or conversations with parents during dismissal time.
    • Staff supervision begins at 7:30 A.M. and ends at 2:15 P.M.
    • Only emergency situations are permitted for late pick up.


Please be patient and do not honk horns. If everyone cooperates, a regular dismissal only takes ten minutes.


Thank you for driving slowly and watching for children.


Traffic Loop