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Nova Middle School Law Students Are Named National Champions Again!

Nova Middle School Law Students Are Named “We The People”
Mock Congressional Hearing National Invitational Champions…Again!
- Video Reaction to Announcement Provided -

A group of people posing for a photoDescription automatically generatedNova Middle School’s mock congressional hearing team is best in the nation for the second year in a row after participating in the “We The People” Mock Congressional Hearing National Invitational in Washington, D.C. The academic competition, which tests students’ knowledge of the Constitution, took place May 10 – 11, 2024.  Nova Middle’s 35-student team competed against 14 teams from eight states to take the top honor.


During the competition, students engaged in discussions with scholars, law and history professors, attorneys, and government officials in six mock congressional hearings about the Constitution and its application in the past and present. Students had to recite from memory landmark Supreme Court cases and apply them to present-day issues. 

Nova Middle earned the opportunity to compete in the national competition after placing second in the state in February.

MEDIA NOTE: As the students toured Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, May 15, they paused to watch the virtual award presentation from their tour bus.



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