• As per School Board Policy 6000.1, students who have earned a grade of “B” or better in each marking period during the semester of a high school course may be exempt from up to 3 midterm and/or final exams.  Advanced Placement classes, AICE classes, FLVS/BVS, and/or Dual Enrollment course midterm exams may not be exempt.  Students may exempt midterm exams for EOC courses.  All exam exemptions require parent permission.

    Will have a form filled out as directed.  Parents/guardians sign the form and return it to the designated staff member at the school prior to the deadline.

    Before signing the waiver, please read the following: 
    Exempting exams is a reward for satisfactory or better academic progress.  It is widely recognized that students benefit from the study skills practiced when preparing for semester exams similar to those used in post-secondary schools.  Students who choose to exempt their exams may forgo the opportunity to improve their semester grades by taking their exams and earning higher grades.  Even when eligible, students have the option not to use the exam exemption.

    • The student is responsible for the return of the form as required by the administration
    • No exam exemptions will be granted without the required form being completed, signed, and turned in before the deadline
    • Students are reminded that they can only exempt three of their exams per semester
    • Students should be aware that if their grade falls below a “B” average prior to the end of the semester, they would be required to take the exam for that course 
    • Failure to abide by this policy will result in the student having to take the exams for all of their classes