Homework/Make-Up Work

Young lady reading a book to two young men outside


  • The School Board recognizes the importance of assigning meaningful and quality homework to students. Research indicates that schools in which homework is routinely assigned and assessed tend to have higher achieving students. Homework fosters student achievement, independence, and responsibility and serves as a vital link between school and home. Therefore, it is the policy of Broward County Schools that meaningful and quality homework is required at all grade levels in all schools. Learn more about the District's Homework Policy

Make-Up Work

    1. Make-up work shall be accepted for full credit and grade for excused, unexcused absences., and external suspensions.

    2. All make-up work, including quizzes and tests, must be submitted/taken within two school days upon return to the missed class, not including the day of return, for each day of an absence

    3. When assignments and appropriate instruction are provided prior to the absence, make-up work (including major projects) is due on the day of return to the missed class.

    4. Under extenuating circumstances and at teacher’s discretion, additional time may be allowed.

Homework Policy (6306)

  • Person sitting and reading a book

Student Progression Plan Policy (6000.1)

  • Person pointing to a bar chart