Principal's Message



    Welcome to the Griffin Elementary website. The purpose of this website is to provide our families and community with easy access to important information about our programs, policies, and activities.

    Griffin Elementary is a hidden gem in the public-school setting. We are proud to be an A school for more than 23 years. Our school is rich in history and traditions.

    As the principal, I have an open-door policy. I am a passionate leader that is committed to my school community. I lead with compassion, grace and respect and will always do what is in the best interest of students.  Safety and Security is my highest priority. We have a full-time School Resource Officer (SRO) and two Campus Monitors. While students are at school, our gates are either locked or manned by our Campus Monitors.

    When you enter Griffin, you will be greeted by our friendly front office staff. Touring the school, you will see our print-rich hallways, beautiful playground, innovative media center, and eco-friendly environmental center. This will give you a glimpse of the high standards of teaching and learning that is taking place within the classrooms. I am very proud of our dedicated staff and enthusiastic learners that make Griffin “Someplace Special”. We are truly a “School Family”. We have a reputation for being caring and welcoming. I am also visible around the campus.

    Griffin loves our volunteers. Please remember to submit your Volunteer Application. Our parents play a pivotal role in our school. We have a phenomenal PTA board, and they are always looking for volunteers to spearhead different programs and initiatives.


    Our theme this year: 

    tree with rootsGriffin is Rooted in Excellence

    Growing Greatness, One Student at a Time

    With Sincere Gratitude,

    Principal Moodliyar-Jones

    “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style” - Maya Angelou