Faculty and Staff
  • Yesenia Sanchez, Assistant Principal

    Yesenia Sanchez, AP

    Greetings, I am beyond delighted and honored for the opportunity to serve this community as Assistant Principal and become part of the extraordinary Hunt Elementary family. My passion has always been educating young minds. I can honestly say I love my job! Confucius stated, "Choose a Job You Love, and You Will Never Have to Work a Day in Your Life"

    Twenty-two years ago, I began my journey as an educator in New York City. For the last 18 years, I have had the pleasure of serving students and families in Broward County in various capacities. My experiences help me establish positive relationships with students, faculty, staff, and the community.

    Our goal at Hunt Elementary is to provide a safe and supportive environment using effective communication to drive high-quality instruction. We are committed to working as a team to further prepare our students with academic skills and ensure that we continue to meet the social-emotional needs of each child.

    I am ecstatic to begin working with our students, faculty, staff, and community. We believe a strong partnership between parents, families and school is crucial to ensure students success. We encourage parent involvement in our school. Teamwork makes the dream work!

    Please feel free to reach out via email Yesenia.sanchez@browardschools.com, phone (754-322-6507), or in person in the event you would like to reach me. Let’s make 2024-2025 the best year ever!


    Yesenia Sanchez, Proud Assistant Principal

  • The Faculty and Staff would like to welcome you to our school. We are here to provide quality education in a safe and secure environment! Our principal, assistant principals, office staff, counselors, teachers, and support staff are ready to work with you as partners in your child's education. Contact JHE Staff anytime if you have questions, comments, or concerns.

  • Attendance


    Attendance Phone Number: 754-322-6502

    Fax Number: 754-322-6540

  • Registrar

    Natasha Bonhomme , Registrar/IMT

    Main Office Number:754-322-6508

    Fax Number: 754-322-6540

  • Office Manager

    Linda Leverett, JHE Office Manager

    Main Office Number: 754-322-6505

    Fax Number: 754-322-6540

Contact JHE Staff

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Email - JHE

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