Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I welcome you back to another exciting year at James S. Hunt Elementary. We take great pride in our school's outstanding achievements, and we hope you share in this pride. Our unwavering commitment to academic excellence and student development is at the core of our mission. This commitment ensures that we will continue to deliver the best possible education to our students, fostering a strong sense of trust from both our parents and students.
At James S. Hunt Elementary, our focus is on maintaining and elevating the outstanding reputation that our school has worked hard to achieve. Our dedication to providing top-quality education to our students and nurturing their development drives our school's purpose.
At James S. Hunt Elementary, we are united in our belief that every child can learn and succeed. This belief in every child's potential is at the heart of our educational approach. We work as a team, believing that 'Teamwork makes the Dream Work.'
I am thrilled about the upcoming academic year. It promises to be an exceptional year of learning and enlightenment for all our students, teachers, staff, and community. I am excited to witness the growth and development of our students, the dedicated expertise of our teachers and staff, and the positive impact on our entire community.
I look forward to everyone having enriching and positive experiences to reach their full potential. At Hunt, we are committed to providing exceptional customer service.
Please feel free to contact me via email at Yesenia.sanchez@browardschools.com, phone (754-322-6507), or in person. Let’s make 2024-2025 the best year ever!
Yesenia Sanchez, Proud Assistant Principal