• AskBRIA - Quarantine / After School eLearning Instructional Support

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    AskBRIA, the Broward Remote Instructional Assistant. Click here for more information.

  • Accessing Student Resources

    Students can access the Student Textbooks & Resources Canvas course by clicking the Digital Student Resources button (outlined in red below) on their Single-Sign-On Clever LaunchPad.

    This is an image of the Clever Launchpad.

    This course has a section titled, Learning Never Closes, which allows students to work through self-paced digital lessons from Canvas, Nearpod, Newsela, and Vocabulary.com.

    Self-Paced Student Activities

    • Nearpod (K-12)
    • Nearpod Keyboarding (K-12)
    • Nearpod Digital Citizenship (K-12)
    • Nearpod Social & Emotional Learning (K-12)
    • Nearpod Microsoft (K-12)
    • Nearpod College & Career Exploration (K-12)
    • Nearpod Virtual Reality Career Tours (6-12)
    • Newsela Self-Paced Articles
    • Vocabulary.com Self-Paced Challenge
    • Naviance (outlined in red below)

     Student Digital Textbooks and Resources available highlighting Learning Never Closes, Library/Media Resources and Naviance.


    In addition, online databases have been purchased by Broward County Public Schools to assist students in finding reliable information on curricular topics. To access these resources from home, click the Library/Media Resources tab (outlined in red above) in the Student Textbooks & Resources Canvas course.

  • How to navigate Canvas

    Overview of How to Navigate Canvas

    The orientation walks you through how to set up student Canvas notifications, how to navigate the home screen to see upcoming announcements or work with the calendar.

  • Open Applications

    Available via the  Single-Sign-On Clever LaunchPad.

    Algebra Nation (6-12)
    A dynamic resource available to all math students in Florida! Algebra Nation is customized to help students succeed in 6th-8th Grade Mathematics, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and beyond.

    ArcGIS (K-12)
    A geographic information system for working with maps and geographic information. Students can create, manage, share, and analyze spatial data.

    Chess4Life (K-12)
    Provides chess education for kids of all skill levels.

    Code.org (K-12/Multilingual)
    Provides activities to learn computer science.

    Discovery Education (K-12)
    Supports K–12 students with award-winning curricular resources.

    i-Ready (K-8/ only participating schools)
    An interactive online learning environment designed to assess students and provide individualized instruction based on each one's unique needs.

    Khan Academy (K-12/Multilingual)
    Offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empowers learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Khan Academy tackles math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.

    Learning A-Z (K-5)
    Combines reading and writing with many other 21st-century skills to provide the assessment, instruction, and practice students need.

    Scholastic (K-5/6-12 DLA classes)
    Provides students with multiple opportunities for deep, critical reading at every level.