
  • Students may take 2 High School Credit Courses.



    Algebra I


    Students are placed in math classes based on FCAT Math scores.


    GEM Qualifications:

    The GEM Program is designed to allow students to move faster than they would in a regular program. Sixth Grade qualifying students for the GEM program must have a score of 380 or above in Math and a 300 on the reading portion on the Sunshine State Standards (SSS) - Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). Students in GEM take Algebra I and Geometry for high school credit in 7th and 8th grades. Geometry students may take their 8th grade course on-line with a Math certified Highly Qualified teacher in the classroom plus an-online certified math teacher. This provides them the opportunity to properly learn to take an on-line course in a structured environment.

    Eighth grade students are placed in Algebra I based on math academic performance and teacher recommendation.

    For more information on our math programs contact Mr. C. Mitchell Math Department Head. 754-322- 4200.