- Lauderhill 6 - 12
- Panther Preparatory Academy
Lauderhill 6-12 Magnet Program
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The Panther Preparatory Academy (PPA) is an elite program at Lauderhill 6-12 STEM-MED where students in grades 6-8 are academically motivated and core courses are on an accelerated pathway with the opportunity to earn Microsoft Office certification in Word, PowerPoint and Excel in each grade level. The PPA program is committed to high quality Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) pathways for students by cultivating a family structure for students and staff solving problems through collaboration, passion, and perseverance. Students who are in PPA are involved in coding & game design, developing engineering solutions and inventing with robotics. PPA students are also given the opportunity to earn high school credits while in middle school.
Benefits of the Panther Preparatory Academy Program
- Expand educational choices for students
- Create educational interests
- Provide real-life and hands-on experiences
- Career readiness
- Set high expectations for all students to improve student achievement
- Monthly Career Presentations/Guest Speakers
- Offer mentorship, individualized assessment, and personal counseling
- “School-within-a-school” model providing a small learning community
- Parent seminars and student recognition events
- Professional Thursday’s
Requirements for the Panther Preparatory Academy
- PPA application for admission*
- 1 reference letter by teacher, guidance counselor, or administrator
- FSA Level 3 or above in ELA and Mathematics
- Maintains good attendance record
- Exhibits excellent behaviors
- Copy of most recent report card