- Orange Brook Elementary
- Clubs and Activities
Get Involved

Clubs and organizations are a great way to help develop character and the skills that will benefit you in school, your career, and in life. Skills like commitment, leadership, effective communication, and being able to work successfully in a group all come from participating in a club or organization. Joining a club is a great way to make friends, develop leadership skills, and boost your college resumé.
Clubs and Activities
Kings & Queens
Kings & Queens is a program started in 2010 by Mrs. Braynen. ("K"ombatting the Images of a Negative Generation of Stereotypes) is an after-school boys and girls club that was originally created for at-risk boys in grades 3-5. It eventually expanded to include not only behavior problems, but also both boys and girls who struggled academically or socially and/or those who needed a male or female role-model figure in their lives. Self-esteem is also an issue we target.
Kings & Queens give boys and girls a purpose and a feeling of pride. They realize their self-worth and realize the importance of treating others as they would like to be treated.
For more information, please contact "Queen" Braynen at natasha.braynen@browardschools.com
"Royal Dance Crew"
Do you love to dance and show school spirit? If so, then you may be a great addition to the Royal Dance Crew!” Dancers will learn how to be a part of a team—how to lead, how to follow, how to support, and how to communicate! I am excited to share this exciting experience with your child! Please know that there will be an academic and behavior requirement if your child should be selected to be a part of the team.
Thank you,
Coach Desine Baron