Sisters With A Purpose

WHAT IS S.W.A.P.? Sisters With a Purpose is a dropout prevention, educational re-engagement, and student leadership program that is based on four pillars:

    1. Academic Achievement – 9th and 10th grade minority female students struggling to transition to high school are assigned teacher mentors for ongoing support including learning study skills in a quiet structured environment (study hall) twice per week, as well as receiving support with monitoring and increasing academic progress.  All members are exposed to Success Highways, a program that builds resilience and leads to graduation.
    2. Family Involvement - Nova High School offers Parent University, which offers parents information about high school graduation requirements, courses offered in high school, state standards, SAT & ACT, financial aid and available scholarships. Parents are also invited to attend an informational session about the S.W.A.P. program and are included in e-mails and text reminders about club activities.   
    3. Community Support   Community members volunteer to serve as mentors, role models, presenters, chaperones, guest speakers, donors, sponsors and members of District ‘s S.W.A.P. Advisory Board.
    4. Incentives – Program participants can receive incentives by reaching academic goals and participating fully in the program. These incentives include recognition within the school, college tours, community service hours, gift cards, and scholarships.