Hollywood Central Elementary School Profile

School Improvement Plan (SIP)

  • A School Improvement Plan (SIP) containing specific objectives and action steps for achieving Florida's educational goals is required for all schools. The SAC has the primary responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the annual SIP. The SIP must be approved by the School Board.

    Components of the School Improvement Plan

    • Early Warning Indicators
    • School Report Card
    • K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan
    • Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
    • Response to Intervention (MTSS/RtI) Plan
    • Social & Emotional Learning Plan (SEL)  
    • School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP)  
    • Attendance Plan 
    • School Counseling Plan
    • Equity Plan 
    • Best Practices in Inclusive Education (BPIE)  
    • SAC Documentation - Bylaws, Membership, Meeting Dates, Minutes, Agenda, Sign-In Sheets
    • Cognia eProve Survey Results
    • Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Plan 


  • The mission of Hollywood Central Elementary School and community is to provide a quality education for all students by providing a safe, orderly and caring environment, offering well-planned learning opportunities, and stressing high, but individualized, expectations.


    1. We believe every student has the right to a quality education.
    2. We believe every student can learn, but in different ways and at different times.
    3. We believe a safe, orderly, and caring environment is necessary for learning.
    4. We believe every student has the right to be treated with respect. 
    5. We believe every student’s achievement will rise to the level of expectation. 
    6. We believe quality education results from a partnership that is shared among the home, school, and community. 
    7. We believe the ultimate success of democracy is dependent upon the quality of public education.
    8. We believe students should be taught to “Learn How to Learn.”
    9. We believe that to meet the challenges of change, risks must be taken.
    10. We believe that all students and staff should have experiences that develop interpersonal skills and sensitivity in working with others of diverse backgrounds and abilities.