Learning Explorations at Banyan

Students sitting on the floor in the library reading
  • Reading and Writing

    It is an honor to serve as your Literacy Coach here at Banyan. I’ve been in education for over 15 years in various roles (teacher, dean of students, assistant principal and a coach). My role is to support our teachers and students to ensure that your children are receiving the best quality education. My goal is to help with instilling a love of learning into your students while preparing them for the future.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Mrs. D. Bailey at: 954-322-5350. 


  • Mathematics

    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year.

    I am excited to serve as your math coach this year at Banyan Elementary. As we welcome our students back for another school year, An Academic Adventure: Accelerating Achievement. Our teachers provide focused instruction on benchmarks to prepare the students for success. Learning math is essential to your education. Counting money, tell-time, multiplying, and dividing are just a few math skills you need to learn. As your math coach, I will strive to help you become the best math student you can be. Please encourage your scholars always to use pencils and paper when completing math assignments. With your partnership, our students will improve their performance in math and experience success on Math assessments. I-Ready Math is an online program that will assist students with mastering grade-level math skills.

    If you have any questions or concerns about Math or need assistance, please feel free to contact Porcher Smith, Math Coach, at (754)322-5350. 

  • Science

    Science helps our students engage in inquiry-based learning from a critical thinking approach. Engaging lessons allow students to experience science directly or through rich multimedia. Our instructional approach puts students in positions to research and find solutions.

  • Social Studies

    Social Studies helps our students develop informed and logical decisions for the public good. As citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society, and interdependent world, we teach our students how to be informed citizens. The foundation for Social Studies teaches our students to ask questions and think about topics in areas of American history, geography, economics, civics, and government.