Learning Explorations at Banyan

Students sitting on the floor in the library reading
  • Reading and Writing

    Students learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language at an early age. At our school, we provide students with the skills necessary to be successful from their school years through their careers. Our reading and writing instruction helps students use a balance of informational and literary resources. It also provides opportunities to use academic vocabulary in speaking and writing. Students also learn how to write using text-based evidence.

    Hello BANYAN UNIVERSITY Reading Scholars & Parents,

     Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year.  My name is Mrs. Parker and I am Banyan's Literacy Coach.  I am so excited to be apart of the Banyan Family. I "believe" we can continue to strive and "aim" for an "A" 🙂 

    Listed below are a few reading tips to help us get started on our Mission to become Lifelong Banyan Readers.   

    *Students should read daily for 20 minutes.  Parents can also read to the students After they have read, students should be discussing what they have read with someone. -Parents/Guardians can ask the student(s) questions about the text they just read to ensure that they comprehended the text. *At home or at the public library, K-5 students can log onto iReady and complete their Reading assignments. This can be accessed through Clever or the direct website at  https://login.i-ready.com/

    Studies have shown that exposing children to a variety of words helps in the development of literacy skills.   *Have students tell you a "story."    -Have the student(s) recount an experience or make up a story. *Work on phonics with students (letter names and letter sounds). ;-This can be done using ABC books, cards, magnet letters, etc. 

    By completing these strategies at home, we are well on our way to becoming Lifelong Banyan Readers!

     Mrs Parker Literacy Coach

  • Mathematics

    Our mathematics instruction builds conceptual understanding, develops students’ procedural fluency, and promotes higher order thinking skills. In learning and understanding mathematics, our students develop “habits of mind”. They learn math strategies, talk about the math they are learning, and solve problems. These mathematical practices help students learn to apply mathematics to real world situations.


    Please encourage your students to take advantage of the following resources. These programs will help your child sharpen their math skills and prepare for the end-of-year-assessments.

    i-Ready.com (k-5)

    Fassesments.org (3-5)

    If you have any questions, please contact our Math Coach. Ms Veronica Jackson,at (754) 322-5350.

    Mrs Jackson

  • Science

    Science helps our students engage in inquiry-based learning from a critical thinking approach. Engaging lessons allow students to experience science directly or through rich multimedia. Our instructional approach puts students in positions to research and find solutions.

  • Social Studies

    Social Studies helps our students develop informed and logical decisions for the public good. As citizens of a culturally diverse, democratic society, and interdependent world, we teach our students how to be informed citizens. The foundation for Social Studies teaches our students to ask questions and think about topics in areas of American history, geography, economics, civics, and government.