Principal's Message

  • Rendolyn Williams AmakerWelcome Back Hunt Owls!

    The faculty, staff, and I are excited to welcome you back! As we enter into the 2024-2025 school year, the faculty and staff are eager to motivate, cultivate and encourage our students at James S. Hunt Elementary to succeed to his/her highest level. It is important that there is a home-school connection. Learning begins at home and expanded to school. We, at James S. Hunt Elementary, strive each day to assist each student in reaching his/her full potential. 

    In everything we do and say, our goal at James S. Hunt Elementary is to motivate, cultivate and encourage students to learn and succeed at their highest potential. WE purposely aspire to WIN! Sam Collier once said,

    “If you can lose, then you can also win- it’s all in the choices we make AND the work we put in!”

    It is our goal, at James S.  Hunt Elementary, to give each student the best educational experience possible. We are committed to ensuring that our students are academically challenged. We will continue to provide personalized education to prepare our students for an ever-changing world.

    Students will be provided with educational supplies, consumable textbooks, a Canvas course–learning platform, at-home reading libraries, and manipulatives so that each child is insured a quality education. Students will still have an opportunity to participate in clubs and specials, such as Physical Education, Art and Media. In addition, there will be social clubs, such as Chorus, Student Council, Debate, Agricultural Club, just to name a few. 

    As always, if you have any accolades, questions, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me in the following ways:

    • Call- (754)322-6505
    • Text- (954)319-3319

    It has certainly been a blessing, a joy, and a privilege to be your principal!

    Rendolyn Williams Amaker

    The Luckiest Principal in the World