- Falcon Cove Middle
- Financial Reports
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Financial Reports
Dear Parent or Guardian:
In accordance with Florida law, we are providing you with your child’s school financial report. The figures in this report represent the revenues and the expenditures allocated to the school, both in total and per FTE (full-time equivalent) student. This data is compared to the rest of the schools in the district and the state. The purpose of this report is to inform parents of the resources that were available to the school during the 2020-21 school year.
Estimado(a) padre/madre o tutor(a):
De acuerdo con la ley del estado de la Florida, le proporcionamos este informe del estado financiero de la escuela a la que asiste su hijo(a). Las cifras aquí presentadas reflejan la actividad de ingresos y gastos de la escuela, calculados en su totalidad y por el equivalente de un(a) estudiante que asiste a la escuela a tiempo completo. El propósito de este reporte es informarle de los recursos disponibles en su escuela durante el curso escolar 2020-21.
Chè Paran oubyen Gadyen:
Daprè lwa Florid la, n ap ofri ou rapò finans lekòl pitit ou a. Chif yo nan rapò sa a reprezante revni e depans yo pèmèt lekòl la toude nan total FTE (egal ekivalans pou elèv an plen tan). Dokiman sa a konpare ak rès lekòl nan distri a e eta a. Rezon pou rapò sa a se pou enfòme paran yo resous ki te disponib pandan ane eskolè 2020 jiska 21.
Financial reports are vital to maintaining compliance with the State of Florida regulations for funding. At Falcon Cove Middle School, we take pride in being able to share our financial reports. Our school maintains an exemplary financial record, ensuring that we meet federal, state, and local financial reporting guidelines, and statutes.