Faculty and Staff
  • The Faculty and Staff would like to welcome you to our school. We are here to provide quality education in a safe and secure environment! Our principal, assistant principals, office staff, counselors, teachers, and support staff are ready to work with you as partners in your child's education. Contact PPE Staff anytime if you have questions, comments, or concerns.

  • Suzan DeMeo, Assistant Principal

    Suzan DeMeoDear PPE Community,

    I am so honored to be serving as your Assistant Principal, and to be a part of this amazing school. My goal is to help build the best and safest all-around school that we can, and this task cannot be accomplished without the help and support of our parents, staff, and community partners. We are so excited tfor this school year, and we know that it takes a village, so we encourage you to get involved in some way, whether it's through becoming part of PTA, volunteering, or simply by maintaining an open line of communication with us to ensure that we are all on the same page. As Helen Keller once said, "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." It takes all of us working together to nurture the whole child, which will ensure that they are able to become the best version of themselves. Once again, Welcome to Plantation Park Elementary!


    Suzan DeMeo, Assistant Principal

  • Larisa Crawford. Confidential/Office Manager

    Mrs Crawford

    Mrs. Larisa Crawford
    Office Manager/Principal's Confidential Secretary

    * Main Office Number: 754-323-7150

    * Fax Number: 754-323-7190

  • Aglanta Dominique, Attendance Clerk

    Aglanta Dominique, Attendance Clerk

    Attendance Phone Number: 754-323-7152

    Fax Number: 754-323-7190

  • Aglanta Dominique, IMT,Registrar

    Aglanta Dominique, Registrar

    Main Office Number: 754-323-7150

    Fax Number: 754-323-7190

Contact PPE Staff

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Email - PPE

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