Principal's Message

  • Mr. Eligon

    Greetings Wilton Manors Elementary Faculty, Families, and Community Members,

    Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic school year at the wonderful Wilton Manors IB World School. I am honored to serve you as your proud principal. As your lead learner, my goal is to prepare bright, motivated students for success and lifelong learning. We believe in our students, and every day we will empower them to achieve greatness. Schools are successful when talented, hardworking staff work together with parents and the community to dedicate themselves to educational excellence. High expectations will lead to higher achievement. Our goal for the 2024-2025 school year is to provide the tools necessary to achieve at the highest level possible. Working together, I am confident that our goals will be met. To maximize successful outcomes, please remember: 

    •  Our students need to be prepared for instruction every day. (Attendance Matters);

    •  Our scholars are expected to be in class and ready to learn by 8:30 am. (Breakfast starts at 8:00 AM);

    •  To always believe in our learners and support our amazing teachers;

    •  Our scholars are expected to be dressed for success in their school uniforms with uniform polo shirts and uniform shorts, skorts, skirts or pants. (No jeans or athletic shorts; No slippers, slides, or Crocs, only closed-toed sneakers or shoes; No graphic tees or tank tops);

    •  To maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust;

    •  It is critical for our scholars to read and write as much as possible across all curriculum and subject areas;

    • That most importantly, we want our students to enjoy learning. 

    It is a great pleasure for me to call Wilton Manors IB World School my home and all of you my family. As your principal, I will serve and defend your child’s right to be amazing. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” Wilton Manors IB World School will be home to positive character development, where we will equip our students with a skill set that will make them successful adults, positive citizens, and leaders in the careers of tomorrow. Our goal is to provide a true education by developing critical skills at the foundational level.

    As your principal, please know that my door is always open to assist you with any of your concerns, and I welcome the opinions and ideas of others. All that I ask is that if you have a specific concern about something that happens in your child’s classroom, you give the respect and courtesy to your child’s teacher to discuss the issue with them first. I would also like to take this opportunity to encourage each of you to join our PTA, become a volunteer, and be involved in supporting our school. I am confident that all concerns can be rectified with positive results.

    The International Baccalaureate (IB) develops lifelong learners who thrive and make a difference. At Wilton Manors IB World school, we embrace what makes us unique and the complexities of our diversity. We represent all corners of the planet because We are the World. I thank you for entrusting your children to us every day. It is going to be an incredible school year.



    Mr. Tauri Eligon