Principal's Message

  • Schroeder

     A Welcome Message from Our Leaders! 
    We are thrilled to welcome you to the Margate Elementary website, Proud Home of the Panthers! Happy New School Year and welcome to the 2024-2025 school year.  We are very proud to be an "A" school of success.  Our motto is excellence through caring. Our panthers made tremendous progress in all aspects of achieving and accelerating proficiency. We have truly leveled up with both academic and social accolades. Here at our school, we value the importance of meeting the individual needs of our students and ensuring that each child reaches his or her fullest potential. We believe that this is best accomplished through consideration and effective relationships. Our theme this year is Dive into Learning.  We are excited to welcome all of our students and families. It is our commitment and promises to provide each of our panthers with the best possible learning environment. 
    At Margate Elementary, we R.O.A.R. (Respect Others, Own My Behavior, Act Responsibly, Ready to Learn). This website contains the most up-to-date information available on our many outstanding programs and initiatives.  Please take a moment to have fun surfing our electronic home and navigating through these pages.  It is our sincere hope that this will give you a glimpse into the joy and excitement felt on a daily basis at our wonderful school.  We are proud to serve as your administrators and look forward to an exhilarating and fantastic school year.

    We wish all of our students, parents, staff, and community members an incredible year of learning! 

    With great love,

    Thomas Schroeder 
    Landis   Principal PIc