• Pinnacle Grade Book – Parent/Student Access The ability to monitor grades, attendance and any assignment information can now be securely viewed from your Internet Browser at home. This secured access requires an Internet connection and a confidential user name and password issued to the student by the school. 


    1. Start at the home page of your Internet browser 
    2. Navigate to our school web site at https://www.browardschools.com/sunshine
    3. Click on the “Students & Parents” tab to view the drop-down menu 
    4. Click on “Pinnacle Gradebook” then click on "Instructions for Parents to use Pinnacle"
    5. Enter the secure login information in the format shown below: User Name: student#@my.browardschools.com (Student ID number) Password: PMM/DD/YYYY (“P” followed by student birthdate) EXAMPLE User Name: 0612345678@my.browardschools.com Password: P09/09/1999 
    6. You can also navigate directly to the Pinnacle grade book by visiting: https://gb.browardschools.com/pinnacle/gradebook/


    • The User ID and password confidentiality is crucial - Do NOT give to other people.
    • Please allow teachers sufficient turnaround time to enter grades.
    • This is a privilege for students/parents to monitor progress. Any misuse or abuse of this account will result in denial of access.
    • Missing assignments may be calculated in a variety of ways. Please check with your teacher for the particular policy in the class. 
    • If you need the student ID number, or have any questions, please contact the student’s homeroom teacher