Faculty and Staff
  • The Faculty and Staff would like to welcome you to our school. We are here to provide quality education in a safe and secure environment! Our principal, assistant principals, office staff, counselors, teachers, and support staff are ready to work with you as partners in your child's education. Contact DE Staff anytime if you have questions, comments, or concerns.

  • Dannyelle deVarona

    Welcome back to a brand-new school year! I hope you had an amazing summer full of fun, laughter, and adventure. We’ve missed you and can’t wait to see your bright smiles and hear your stories.
    As your Assistant Principal, I’m thrilled to welcome you back to school. Whether you’re meeting new teachers or new friends, this year is going to be filled with exciting learning opportunities and wonderful experiences.
    We have been working hard to prepare for your arrival. The classrooms are ready, the hallways are decorated, and your teachers have planned lots of interesting lessons to make learning fun and engaging. We know that each of you has unique talents, and we are here to help you grow and succeed in every way possible.
    This year, we’ll be focusing on kindness, respect, and working together as a team. Remember, our school is like a big family, and every single one of you is an important part of it. Let’s make this year the best one yet by being supportive friends, curious learners, and respectful classmates.
    If you ever need help or just want to chat, my door is always open. I’m here to support you in any way I can. Let’s work together to make this year a fantastic one!
    Get ready to learn, explore, and have fun! Welcome back, and let’s make this school year magical and  unforgettable!
    With warmest regards,

    Dannyelle deVarona
    Assistant Principal

  • Attendance Clerks

    Kim Mc Fadden, Clerical/Attendance Clerk

    Attendance Phone Number: 754-322-9102

    Fax Number: 754-322-9140

  • Registrar

    Jacqueline Nicholson, Registrar

    Main Office Number:754-322-9100

    Fax Number: 754-322-9140

  • Office Manager

    Amanda Fischer, DE Office Manager

    Main Office Number: 754-322-9100

    Fax Number: 754-322-9140

Contact DE Staff

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Email - DE

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