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Homeless Education Assistance Resource Team (HEART)

Have you experienced a loss of housing causing you and your
school-aged children (Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade) to live in
a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground, on the street, in abandoned
buildings, or doubled-up with relatives or friends?

HEART may be able to help!


  • Access to school supplies and uniform items
  • Coordination of transportation to school (certain rules apply)
  • Linkage to school and community services (e.g. school social worker, counseling providers, medical, dental, and mental health referrals)
  • Referrals to school and community-based services (e.g. school social work services, family counseling, medical, dental and mental health referrals)   
  • Retrieval of immunization records and State of Florida birth certificates
  • Limited access to after school care program (K-8)
  • Cap and gown rentals at no cost to graduating high school students and verification letters needed to apply to college and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


Visit the HEART website at or call 754-321-1550 for more information.