Science / Pre-Engineering

  • Engineer The Blanche Ely High School SCIENCE/PRE-ENGINEERING Program, founded in 1977, is a four-year accelerated theme program for select students who choose to pursue careers requiring pre-college foundation in the fields of engineering, science, mathematics, architecture or technology.  The program affords students an exciting opportunity to discover the diversity within these fields and explore options for their future career.  Students select a major interest and are given college planning and guidance throughout their four years to meet their individual goals.

    Unique courses integrate real-world problem-solving experiences with project-based activities. Mathematically focused students, such as GEM students, pursue a pre-engineering major and are
    challenged by the four college level mathematics courses available in this program. Robotics, engineering applications, tech studies, and drafting courses stimulate and motivate the innovative student with creative hands-on experiences. Exposure to emerging technology occurs through the AOIT (information technology) and computer programming courses woven within the major interest of this magnet program. Intern programs are available through AOIT and SECME.

    SCIENCE/PRE-ENGINEERING MAGNET students are required to take honors, advanced placement or dual enrollment in all core magnet courses. The existing program meets and exceeds the academic requirements of the Bright Future Scholarships and College Readiness Program. Students may strive for the Gold Seal requirements.


    Congratulations! The Academy of Engineering (AOE) has started the FAST Track Process/Assessment for the completion of the Year Of planning (YOP) in 2021