- Taravella High
- Exam
---Exam Day Information
What to bring:
- Student or Picture ID
- Exam Ticket (will receive on day of test)
- Ballpoint pen, Black ink ONLY. Pencils and other color ink will not be allowed. Felt tip or milky pens are not allowed.
Rules for exam day:
- All cell phones, smart watches, tablets, etc. are NOT allowed in the exam room.
- Water bottles must be clear, plastic, and have all labels removed. If your bottle does not meet these standards you will be asked to leave it outside of the exam room and collect it once the exam is over.
- Click here ---> https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/Images/86457-information-for-candidates.pdf (Links to an external site.) to review information.
Where to go for exam day:
- All students must meet in the cafeteria at their assigned time on the assigned exam date. (please see "Exam Dates")
- Once in the cafeteria you will receive your exam information card. The card will have your name, candidate number, syllabus, exam name and component listed on it.
- From the cafeteria you will be instructed to move to the exam room where you will sit in candidate number. All seats will be labeled. Once you are in the exam room and sitting you will not be able to leave to retrieve any items you will need for the exam, so please make sure you have them with you.
- A clock will be visible for all to see so that you can keep track of time.
- If you need to speak to an invigilator (proctor) during the exam, please raise your hand.
- You will remain in the exam room until all testing items have been removed and you are cleared to exit.
- This format repeats itself for the second day of testing.