Faculty and Staff
  • The Faculty and Staff would like to welcome you to our school. We are here to provide quality education in a safe and secure environment! Our principal, assistant principals, office staff, counselors, teachers, and support staff are ready to work with you as partners in your child's education. Contact FES Staff anytime if you have questions, comments, or concerns.

  • Lashawn Tukes, Assistant Principal

    Lashawn TukesGreetings, Fairway Family.
    It is a pleasure to begin my 5th year with you as your proud Assistant Principal.

    The beginning of this school year is quite unique in the fact that due to COViD-19 we are working remotely by way of virtual learning .  This is the time for me to sharpen my skills and devote every minute to becoming the best that I can be to support our students, parents, faculty, staff and community.  

    As I embark upon the new school year, I am charged with creating an environment that is nurturing for all stakeholders involved.  It is important to me as an administrator to address concerns that can potentially affect the well being and growth of all as we charter through these unprecedented times.
    With that said, know that I am always here for you and will strive to excel at all expectations that are set forth before me. I am ready for the challenge!
    Educationally Yours,
    Dr. LaShawn Tukes

  • Attendance Clerk

    Attendance Clerk

    Attendance Phone Number: 754-323-5652

    Fax Number: 754-323-5690

  • Registrar

    Nichelle Delaney-Ducksworth,Registrar

    Main Office Number:754-323-5650

    Fax Number: 754-323-5690

  • Office Manager

    Monica Scott Burrows, FES Office Manager

    Main Office Number: 754-323-5650

    Fax Number: 754-323-5690

Contact FES Staff

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Email - FES

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