Faculty and Staff
  • The Faculty and Staff would like to welcome you to our school. We are here to provide quality education in a safe and secure environment! Our principal, assistant principals, office staff, counselors, teachers, and support staff are ready to work with you as partners in your child's education. Contact [School Initials] Staff anytime if you have questions, comments, or concerns.

  • Elizabeth Valentino, Assistant Principal, 6th Grade

    Elizabeth Valentino

    Dear Rickards Family,  

    I hope this message finds you refreshed and ready for the 2024-2025 school year!  As the 6th Grade Assistant Principal of your James S. Rickards Middle School, I look forward to welcoming all of my incoming 6th graders and watch them succeed throughout their 1st year of middle school!

    The growth our students made last year blew me away! I watched day in and day out, their grit and dedication to achieving their academic and social emotional goals. I am so proud to be a part of this amazing community of student leaders.

    Let’s make this the best school year yet! Together we can accomplish everything we set our mind to.


    With Rocket Pride,

    Elizabeth Valentino

    6th Grade Assistant Principal

    James S. Rickards Middle School

    Home of the Rickards Rockets

  • Dr. Kwan Drake, Assistant Principal, Seventh Grade

    Dr. Drake

    Greetings Rickards Family, Parents and Guardians:

    I am happy to welcome you to our school! The 2024-2025 Seventh-Grade Team recognize that to be successful in school, our children need support from both the home and school. As sixth graders your child was very successful, and we are looking to improve upon that as they are now seventh graders. As partners, we all share the responsibility for our children’s success, and I want you to know that we will do our absolute best to fulfill our responsibilities.  We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that he/she:

    1) Attends school daily and arrives on time, ready for the day’s learning experience.

    2) Completes all classwork and homework assignments given by their teachers.

    3) Reads daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills.

    4) Share their school experiences with you so that you are aware of his/her school life.

    5) Informs you if he/she needs additional support in any area or subject

    6) Knows that you expect him/her to succeed in school and go on to college or a vocational school.

    I ask to join our school volunteer program. Our students will benefit from your involvement with our school.

    If you have any questions about the rules and expectations, please contact me or discuss them with your child’s teacher.


    Dr. Kwan Drake

    7th Grade Administrator


  • Rosheika Y.H. Rolle, Assistant Principal, 8th Grade

    Rosheika Rolle

    Welcome Rockets! 

    It is my absolute pleasure to be the 8th grade administrator for the 2024-2025 School Year! Although we have experienced many transitions, one thing that stays the same is my love for our students, teaching, and learning. My philosophy is that every student can learn; it simply takes a village to support each student on their quest to greatness. I look forward to partnering with each of you on our journey to excellence! 

    Educationally Yours, 

    Ms. Rosheika Y.H. Rolle 

    Intern Principal 


  • Office Manager

    Mirtha Ochoa, JRM Office Manager

    Main Office Number: 754-322-4400

    Fax Number: 754-322-4485

Contact JRM Staff

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