- Westwood Heights Elementary
- Principal's Message
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Principal's Message
Greetings Westwood Heights Elementary Parents, Community Members, and all Invested Stakeholders,
Welcome back to what we anticipate will be another stellar year of teaching and learning with our scholars! Good News! I am especially proud to announce that as a result of our collective hard work and the unyielding determination of our students, teacher task force, and non-instructional support staff members, Westwood Heights Elementary School has achieved a school grade of “B” going into the 2024-2025 school year! Undoubtedly, the goal this year is to ensure WHE remains on track of achieve “A” school status by implementing a robust strategic plan aimed at closing the existing achievement gaps. At our upcoming kick-off SAC/SAF meeting, we will share the WHE Blueprint for Success that will skyrocket Westwood Heights Elementary's achievement to higher levels To Proficiency and Beyond for the 2024-2025 school year!
WHE Vision, Theme, Performance Data
At Westwood Heights Elementary we believe all students can learn at their highest potential and we are never satisfied until they do. Consequently, our vision this school year is to double down on our efforts and maintain a laser focus on the work of closing achievement gaps by delivering nothing short of high-quality TIER 1 Instruction tailored to meet the diverse learning needs of all students. To achieve this goal, priority will be placed on early literary development in K-2 to ensure scholars are ready for a successful transition to the intermediate grade levels. Additionally, we will ensure a laser focus on building essential foundational skills that will serve as the building blocks our scholars need to master on grade-level standards. Equally important, our work this school year will be grounded in the Science of Reading Research-based knowledge of how children learn to read and read to learn. “The Opportunity Myth” best practices will continue to serve as Pillars in our pursuit of educational excellence: Teachers with High Expectations; (2). Strong Instruction; (3). Deep Student Engagement; and (4). Alignment of Grade Appropriate Assignments. Furthermore, our work this year will be guided by “Leverage Leadership” high-impact strategies for closing the achievement gaps: Data-driven instruction; effective lesson planning, quality professional development; and a laser focus on building positive student and staff culture.
Providing timely support for our teacher task force will be a vital component to achieving our SIP proficiency targets this school year: ELA 55%; Math 65%: Science 58%. Consequently, priority will be placed on providing on-going data-driven professional learning opportunities to build teacher pedagogy, ensuring our practitioners are well-equipped to meet the differentiated learning needs of all students. We will also promote authentic teacher-led PLCs and hands-on coaching support. Finally, cultivating positive staff and student culture will be fostered this school year as we work to nurture supportive relationships, and promote high-leverage best practices that will ensure an optimal learning environment at WHE.
2024-2025 Theme, Mantra, Motto
For the 2024-2025 our theme is: To Proficiency and Beyond. Mantra: WHE are in Relentless Pursuit of Excellence. WHE Motto: No Excuses, Only Progress. We are super excited about this year’s theme: It will ignite passion, enthusiasm, and renewed commitment, setting the tone for the energy we will bring into the new school year, and ensuring student achievement skyrockets to proficiency and beyond!
WHE FAST PM 3 2024 Performance Results (Eight Components) & SIP Targets 2025
Our 3-5 grade student performance data indicates that we are unequivocally moving in the right direction to ultimately achieve a school grade of an “A”. The data will also highlight opportunities for continuous improvement. ELA Performance Results: improved from 40% to 49% proficiency, 3 Grade ELA Proficiency 41%, ELA Learning gains 69%; Bottom 25% LQ 75%. Mathematics Performance Results: Math Improved from 53% to 61% proficiency; Math Learning Gains 63%; Bottom 25% LQ 64%. Science Performance Results: Science improved from 19% to 55% proficiency. During our upcoming SAC Meeting, we will take some time to do a deeper dive into our overall school performance data K-5 and review WHE Blueprint for Success 2024-2025. WHE Minimum School Improvement (SIP) Proficiency Targets for 2025: ELA Proficiency 55% or higher; Third Grade Proficiency 45% or higher. Math Proficiency 65% or higher; Science Proficiency 58% or higher. With a laser focus on implementing high-quality TIER 1 Instruction, providing timely data-driven instructional interventions, and an “All Hands-on Deck” approach to meeting the learning needs of all students, our overarching goal of achieving “A” school grade for the new school year will be achieved.
Uniform Colors, School Hours, and Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Westwood Heights is a mandatory uniform school. Therefore, all students are expected to come to school dressed in the approved uniform colors each day of the week. Uniform tops: red, dark blue, and white polo shirts. Unform bottoms: Blue and Khaki.
School hours remain 8:15am – 2:15pm. Please ensure students do not arrive to school before 7:30am since there will be no adult supervision. Breakfast and lunch are free for all Westwood Heights Elementary scholars this school year. Breakfast begins at 7:30am – 8:00am. Instruction starts promptly at 8:15am and dismissal is 2:15pm. Early release dismissal is 12:15pm. Students who arrive late for school, after 8:15am must report to the front office for a late pass and will be escorted to class by a support staff. Parents please be informed that due to transitional preparation for regular dismissal, the latest you can pick up a student for early dismissal is 1:30pm. Please inform the office or your child’s teacher in advance if there is a change in how your child will be getting home on a particular day. Please complete the “How Home” form in your child’s first day packet and return it to your child’s teacher. All parents and visitors to the school campus must be checked in at the front office. Identification badge/current ID is required for all visitors, students, staff, and district employees to gain access to the building each day.
Meet & Greet & Aftercare Information
Parents are invited to attend Meet & Greet: Friday, August 9th at 1:00 pm. The first day of School for Students is Monday, August 12th. Firewall Aftercare program will continue to provide afterschool supervision for eligible students. For more information regarding aftercare, please visit the school website or call the front office 754-323-7900.
Home-School Connection & Communication
Timely communication will be vitally important to best coordinate learning support services for your child. Therefore, your child’s teacher and other support staff will be contacting you regularly to ensure we are delivering optimal learning experiences for your child. Likewise, you are encouraged to reach out to your child’s teacher as needed for guidance and support. Furthermore, to keep informed and engaged in WHE school events, please visit our school website for up-to-date information. If you have any questions or needs, please do not hesitate to call the office between the hours of 7:30 am – 3:00 pm. We are looking forward to continued partnership with our stakeholders for students’ academic success this school year!
It is my honor to serve as your child’s principal. Please know that I am always just a phone call or email away if you have a need.