- South Broward High
- Emergency Information
If You See Something, Say Something
It Takes a Community to Protect a Community
"If You See Something, Say Something®" is a national campaign that raises public awareness of the indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime, as well as the importance of reporting suspicious activity to state and local law enforcement.Informed, alert communities play a critical role in keeping our nation safe. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is committed to strengthening hometown security by creating partnerships with state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments and the private sector, as well as the communities they serve. Stranahan High School is proud to be a campaign partner helping reach Dragon nation by displaying the campaign’s messages and distributing outreach materials.
We can all help keep our communities safe by paying attention to our surroundings and reporting suspicious activity to local law enforcement.
Campaign History
The "If You See Something, Say Something®" campaign was originally implemented and trademarked by the New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority and is licensed to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a nationwide campaign.In July 2010, DHS launched the campaign in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice's Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative (NSI), with the goal of training state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime. The NSI standardizes how these observations are documented and analyzed and ensures that reports are shared with the Federal Bureau of Investigation–led Joint Terrorism Task Forces for investigation and with state Fusion Centers for analysis. Only those reports documenting behavior that is reasonably indicative of terrorist activity will be shared with federal and SLTT partners.
Reporting Suspicious Activity
To report suspicious activity, contact your local law enforcement agency. Describe specifically what you observed, including:
- Who or what you saw
- When you saw it
- Where it occurred
- Why it's suspicious