- Glades Middle
- Core Courses and Resources
Core Courses and Resources at Glades Middle

Secondary Reading and English Language Arts at Glades Middle serves to provide resources, professional learning, and support to all Broward County middle and high schools, as well as educational centers and K-8/6-12 schools. The goal of the Secondary Language Arts Department is to ensure that the Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS) are taught with fidelity and that the reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language strands are interwoven throughout daily instruction.
In Secondary Mathematics, our curriculum provides rich, challenging opportunities for our students that prepares them for success in college and career. In our math classes, students explore and describe observations, explain their thinking, and ask questions. They are encouraged to use multiple approaches to solve problems and show different ways of thinking. It is our mission to matriculate/graduate/prepare problem-solvers who view challenges as an opportunity to think flexibly, innovatively, and efficiently.
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Through laboratory and technological experiences students are engaged in understanding the nature of scientific phenomena and how it correlates to the world around us. Middle school curriculum introduces earth, life, and physical sciences and making real-world connections through scientific inquiry.
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Students in Secondary Social Studies courses have the opportunity to engage in learning high-level content and skills as required by the State of Florida Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Social Studies integrated with the Language Arts Florida Standards Literacy in History/Social Studies. Students learn concepts and content in the areas of American History, World History, Geography, Economics, Financial Literacy, Civics, and Government through a variety of required and elective courses.
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