- Coral Park Elementary
- Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Coral Park Elementary School’s staff is extremely excited to welcome you and your child to Coral Park Elementary for the 2024-25 school year. We are anxious to meet our new families and reconnect with our returning families after, hopefully, a safe and fun-filled summer. As your principal, I am so proud of our entire school community—our staff, our students, and you, our parents. Our teachers and staff worked strategically to build learning opportunities that would address each student’s individual learning needs resulting in amazing academic growth in our student achievement levels. Our fabulous PTA provided our Coral Park families with many opportunities to come together for family and friend time in a fun and safe environment.
Our staff and PTA are eager and ready to build upon these successes and positive trends this school year. We will continue to establish a foundation of kindness and build upon it by recognizing and accepting each other's uniqueness, abilities, and individuality. We invite you to join us and embrace our school's theme of "Shining with Kindness” as we continue to guide our school community to:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
Be Kind
Be Inclusive
I am confident that as a school community, we will continue to collaborate to provide our students with a positive and successful school experience...one that I am sure we can all agree that our children deserve.
Your very proud principal,
Camille Pontillo