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Harbordale Elementary School Profile
School Improvement Plan (SIP)
A School Improvement Plan (SIP) containing specific objectives and action steps for achieving Florida's educational goals is required for all schools. The SAC has the primary responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the annual SIP. The SIP must be approved by the School Board.
Components of the School Improvement Plan
- Early Warning Indicators
- School Report Card
- K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan
- Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
- Response to Intervention (MTSS/RtI) Plan
- Social & Emotional Learning Plan (SEL)
- School-Wide Positive Behavior Plan (SPBP)
- Attendance Plan
- School Counseling Plan
- Equity Plan
- Best Practices in Inclusive Education (BPIE)
- SAC Documentation - Bylaws, Membership, Meeting Dates, Minutes, Agenda, Sign-In Sheets
- Cognia eProve Survey Results
- Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Plan
In order to fulfill our vision, our mission will be to offer a diverse curriculum and experiences which meet the individual needs of our students through a school-wide and community effort.
Harbordale Elementary School’s vision is to ensure every student’s intellectual and emotional growth and to promote effective citizenship. We offer a diverse curriculum and cultural experiences, which meet the individual needs of our students through a school-wide and community effort.
- We believe in encouraging the development of independent thinking skills.
- We believe school and parents must work together to ensure a quality educational experience.
- We believe that concrete learning techniques (hands-on) enhance students’ learning abilities.
- We believe all students should be encouraged toward self-motivation in the learning process.
- We believe the educational climate should be challenging and motivational.
- We believe in educating the whole child.
- We believe in providing experiences that will aid in the development of each child’s talents and abilities.
- We believe all students are capable of learning and can achieve a satisfactory level of individual success.
- We believe all teachers and parents should promote responsibility and respect.
- We believe all students should be good citizens.
- We believe all children should be taught with dignity and respect.
- We believe that adequate facilities should be provided for all students, faculty, and staff.