- Panther Run Elementary
- Media Center Information
Panther Run Elementary
Media Center
“Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better.”
-Sidney Sheldon
Our mission is to provide access to a broad range of books to help support learning goals, enrich the curriculum and foster a lifelong love of reading. Our upper grades will learn to navigate the Dewey Decimal System, promoting independence in finding and selecting reading materials, whether it be for research or pleasure.
Volunteering in the Media Center is a fantastic opportunity to get involved at Panther Run. We are looking for dedicated individuals to help with the following areas:
● Shelve Books
● Prepare Materials
● Assist with Book Fairs
● Create Seasonal Book Displays & Bulletins
● Assist with Inventory
If you are interested in volunteering for the media, please contact our Media Clerk. Prior to volunteering, you must be a BCPS approved volunteer- please fill out the application at https://www.browardschools.com/volunteers Please be sure to bring a valid Driver's License or ID on days you are scheduled to Volunteer.
Media Center Procedures
● Classes are scheduled to visit the Media Center each week.
● Take care of the books- both in the library and while checked out.
● Return books on time. Books may be checked out for one week and may be renewed two times.
● Students may check out two books at a time- only one of these may be a Graphic Novel.
● Use Level One voices.
Book Donations
We sincerely welcome gifts and donations in the form of materials or monetary funds. All donations are reviewed according to the collection and development policy and must meet the same criteria as all other items. Books not accepted for the collection will be disposed of in a manner determined by the library. The use and disposal will be at the discretion of the Library Media Clerk in the interest of maintaining an appropriate and balanced collection. The donation should meet the following criteria before being added to the collection.
● The offered items are within the scope of the library’s collection and their use falls within the stated library mission.
● The library has enough time and resources to process and maintain the offered items.
● The item does not unnecessarily duplicate materials already held.
● The item’s condition is acceptable.
● The library has space to store the donated items.
● The item is supportive of the school's curriculum or interests of faculty and students and is at an appropriate elementary school academic level.
Media Clerk
Gessika Carmona
Book Fair
Book Fairs
Media will be closed twice each school year, once in the Fall and once in the Spring, to allow for the Book Fair to run. Our Bi-Annual Scholastic Book Fairs bring an opportunity for our students and families to purchase brand new books while raising funds to purchase new books and materials for our teachers, classrooms & Media Center.
Contact Information
Media Center
801 NW 172nd Ave
Pembroke Pines, Florida 33029
Phone: --
Gessika Carmona
Media Center Clerk