Suggested School Supplies

  • •One of the best ways to achieve success in school is to be organized and prepared for any assignment that comes your way. Having the appropriate items is a very important part of this process.

    •Here, we have provided a recommended list of supplies to help you get started. Each teacher may request additional supplies as needed for a particular subject area.  Please view below for the Suggested Supply List.

    Suggested Supplies List:
     - folders for each class
    - paper/notebooks
    - pens/pencils
    - color pencils 

    *Students will receive information from their teachers on the first day of school if specific subject areas need special supplies

    •It is recommended that each student have a sturdy backpack to carry pencils, pens, ruled notebook paper, and folders for each class.
    •All students will be provided with an Agenda during the first week of school. The Agenda is to be used to keep track of assignments and written correspondence with teachers. If the student should lose the Agenda, one may be purchased for $5.
    •It is recommended that students not bring electronic devices to school. If so, the devices will be the sole responsibility of the student.