PTA Committees

  • Welcome back to all returning families and a big WELCOME to all new families. We are so proud and honored to work with an amazing group of parents this year on the PTA Board. 

    As the new 2024-2025 school year begins, we once again ask for your support so that we can continue making resources and learning opportunities available to our students and CSMS staff. Your membership allows the PTA to raise funds to provide a wide range of educational enrichment opportunities for the students. Money raised through PTA membership and fundraisers helps to provide technology, events, learning opportunities and social activities that may have otherwise been unavailable to our students. 

    For the PTA to be effective and truly representative of the school, everyone’s participation is essential. Membership is only $10. Many parents feel that they cannot participate in the PTA, because they cannot come to meetings or be on campus during the day. Not true! There are many ways to participate after hours too.

    I’m looking forward to meeting everyone!!!

    We want everyone to feel that they are part of the CSMS Community, and join us on our Facebook page (Coral Springs Middle PTA) and CSMS PTA website ( to keep you connected and informed. Whether you have 30 minutes or a couple of hours, your ideas, your time, your talents and your VOICE is truly needed.

    Keep in mind that by volunteering at our school, you will get to enjoy interacting with the kids, become friends with other parents, and accomplish things that truly make a difference. Research shows that students whose parents are involved in their education have better grades and fewer discipline problems. We promise that the time you give will be worth your while—and fun!

    We would like to thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Have a wonderful school year, and we look forward to seeing you at our first PTA meeting!

    Hope to see you there!

    Anderson Amaral - PTA President 2024-2025, Coral Springs Middle School