• To volunteer at a District school, all individuals except BCPS employees, must complete an application.  

    The application must not be completed by individuals who wish to volunteer with a Charter/Private school. To volunteer with a Charter/Private school, please contact the school to discuss their volunteer application process. 

    Broward County Public Schools (BCPS) volunteers play a significant role in the success of our students. The District recognizes and appreciates the invaluable service provided for our students to reach their highest potential, in order to succeed in tomorrow’s world.

    For more detailed information about volunteering in Broward County Public Schools, view the Volunteer Services Program Manual, view the volunteer training webinar and presentation, call 754-321-2300 or email volunteer@browardschools.com.

    For questions about volunteering at a specific school, contact the School Volunteer Liaison (SVL). The SVL coordinates and directs the volunteer program at your preferred school. 

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  • Volunteer Application

    Click Here Apply Online Become a BCPPS VolunteerBroward County Public Schools 2024/25 volunteer application is open.All adult volunteers are asked to complete a new application for the upcoming school year at browardschools.com/volunteerapplicationStudents who wish to volunteer may contact the Athletics and Student Activities department at 754-321-1201.

    NOTE: To volunteer with Broward County Public Schools, social security numbers are required for background screening. For more information, see the SSN Disclosure.

    View the  Volunteer Services Disclosure.

  • Who is a BCPS volunteer?

    A BCPS volunteer is an individual with a sincere interest in contributing to the education of our students. Volunteers actively serve during regular hours at one or more schools or departments, several hours at a special one-time activity or event or work on school projects at home. Under the supervision of school or department personnel, a volunteer provides supportive assistance, which complements and enriches the environment.

  • How do I become a BCPS volunteer?

    • Complete and submit a volunteer application.
    • Check application status. Wait one week and contact the school or department you selected to check your approval status.
    • Get a volunteer badge at the school or department. Approved individuals may volunteer at any District location during the school year.

    Note: To become a BCPS student volunteer, contact Jennifer Hamilton in the Athletics and Student Activities department at 754-321-1201.

  • Confidentiality

    Student records, also known as education records, created and/or maintained by The School Board of Broward County, Florida, are official and confidential documents protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance Portability Act (HIPAA), Florida Statutes, Public Records Law, School Board policy 5100.1 (Student Records: Confidentiality and Family Educational Rights), and other School Board policies.

    • School Board policy 5100.1 states that only school officials* should have access to student information which may include students’ grades, academic performance, and behavior during school hours (including but not limited to behavior observed in a classroom setting, cafeteria, etc.), disabilities, personal matters and family matters.
    • A school official is a person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health and medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the district has contracted to perform a special task that would normally be performed by SBBC personnel (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant or therapist); a clerical or paraprofessional staff member assisting another school official in performing his or her professional tasks.

    CAUTION: Volunteers (including parents assisting at the school) and students assisting teachers and other staff are not “school officials” and are not permitted to have access to other students’ personally identifiable information.
    The District is committed to protecting student records from unauthorized disclosure and honoring the privacy rights of our students and their families. For more information about the District’s privacy standards, visit the Privacy Information page.

  • Do's and don'ts of volunteerism


    • Complete an online application form before helping in the school.
    • Assist in the class to which you are assigned.
    • Set a good example for students by your manner, appearance and behavior.
    • Sign in and out when entering and leaving a school campus.
    • Wear a volunteer badge when helping with school activities.


    • Give students medication.
    • Access or divulge any student’s grades, records and abilities, which are governed by confidentiality rules and policies.  
    • Supervise a classroom or discipline students. These actions are the responsibilities of the teacher and school.

  • Volunteer opportunities

    Broward Couty Public Schools has many opportunities available to help our students. Available opportunities include: 

    • Bridge2Life Volunteers assist 12th graders and their parents to complete FAFSA applications.
    • Cafeteria Aides assist with cafeteria duties.
    • Career Shadowing/ Internship helps secondary students learn about various jobs and careers.
    • Communication Ambassadors distribute school communications to school-based stakeholders.
    • Concierge Volunteers greet school visitors, assess their needs and provide the appropriate referral to the corresponding resource or school administrator.
    • Classroom Presenters discuss personal areas of expertise in a classroom setting. Topics might include careers, hobbies and travel.
    • Classroom Assistants work regularly with a classroom teacher. They help students and assist with projects and field trips.
    • Coaches* work regularly with students participating in athletic or arts programs to achieve their potential.
    • Document and Video Editors** review/edit school-based documents and video recordings under the supervision of school personnel.
    • Exceptional Education Support provide personalized attention to students in the exceptional student education program by assisting with character building and social skills; assisting students with physical disabilities to transition throughout school or community; tutoring students in core curriculum subjects; and providing feeding assistance.
    • Health Room Aides* help with the management of a school’s health room with a focus of providing comfort to students and helping with a student health screenings.
    • Interpreter Volunteers provide language assistance to non-English speaking students by assisting with their transition into the District. These volunteers also provide verbal interpretation and interaction at community or school events.
    • Listening Partner* act as supportive adult friends to students identified by guidance counselors. NOTE: Parents or grandparents cannot be Listener Volunteers in their own child’s school.
    • Media Center/Library Volunteers help students select books, work at the circulation desk and shelve books. 
    • Pen Pals** email inspirational messages for school personnel to share with students.
    • Read Aloud Volunteers inspire students to be readers by helping them learn to appreciate stories and books.
    • Special Projects Volunteers help with a specific project at a school or at a District office including curriculum fairs, student competitions, screenings and productions.
    • Literacy Coaches* tutor adults and children who are learning to read.

    For a complete list of our volunteer opportunities, please download the volunteer manual.

    * Volunteers serving in this capacity need Level 2 security clearance. For more information about the Level 2 process, speak with your School Volunteer Liaison.

    **Virtual volunteer opportunity

  • Security clearances: Level 1 and Level 2

    Level 1 Clearance – All volunteers must complete an application and receive approval as Level 1 volunteers before service begins at school.

    Level 2 Clearance – Additional screening is required ONLY for volunteers participating as:

    • Overnight field trip chaperones (excluding Grad Night)
    • Athletic coaches
    • Band coaches

    NOTE: Level 2 screening is requested by the school administration and is completed every five years. However, all Level 2 cleared volunteers must renew their personal information annually. To renew the Level 2 clearance, visit www.fieldprintbrowardschools.com. You will be prompted to enter a Fieldprint code for renewal. The code is FPBCPSScVolAnRen.

  • Do BCPS employees need to complete the application?

    BCPS employees are not required to complete the online application. Any employee who would like to volunteer must sign in and out with their staff ID, and document their hours using a Volunteer Attendance Log. Additionally, BCPS employees are exempt from the Level 2 clearance requirements and do not need to be fingerprinted, if required for volunteer duty.