- Sawgrass Springs Middle
- Cambridge
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Cambridge Program
Cambridge International program has proven to prepare students for life after high school through its curriculum that is both rigorous and recognized internationally. Cambridge learners become confident, responsible, reflective innovative, and engaged. Cambridge qualifications open doors for learners to be accepted at the word’s best universities. They are recognized by leading universities and employers around the world as evidence of academic ability. By choosing Cambridge you will be giving your child a solid foundation for achieving high levels of academic and personal attainment.
What makes this program unique?
- Unlike other magnet or choice options, the Cambridge program adheres and follows the curriculum of the Cambridge University and enhances the Broward County curriculum and the Florida Standards.
- Students who successfully complete the AICE courses required to earn the AICE diploma in high school and their service hours are automatically eligible to receive the full Bright Futures Scholarship regardless of their scores on the SAT or ACT.
What are the advantages of this program?
- Advanced Courses
- Opportunity to earn up to 6 High School Credits
- Development of the Whole Child
- Growth of Character and Abilities
- Service Learning
- Motivated Peers
- Global Concepts
- Well-rounded preparation for the High School AICE Diploma Program
Cambridge FAQs
What is the Cambridge Program?
The Cambridge Program is an internationally recognized course of study for academically talented and motivated students. It is referred to as AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education) at the high school level, and “Cambridge –Secondary I”, at the middle school level. The program operates under the sponsorship of Cambridge University in England and offers a wide range of classes. In the United States, there are more than 250 Cambridge Schools since the inception of the American program in 1990. The program is designed to encourage students to reflect on their learning so that they are able to build on experience and plan ahead. They will be confident, innovative and resourceful, secure in their knowledge yet open to new ideas and opinions. They will also be responsible – to themselves, and to others. These habits lay the foundations for productive study and employment and are actively promoted and encouraged by Cambridge syllabuses and qualifications.
What is the focus of the Cambridge program at Sawgrass Springs Middle School?
The Cambridge courses aim to assist students in becoming productive contributors to society. Each course makes continuous connections between the curriculum taught in class and the global and social issues surrounding us.
What courses are included in the Cambridge program?
The Cambridge program will be administered through our English courses with the scope extending each subsequent year. Cambridge Lower Secondary English (1111) promotes an inquiry-based approach, developing learners’ confidence, creativity, and intellectual engagement. This subject is designed for learners who have English as a first language and can be used in any cultural context. Learners develop English skills they can apply for a range of different purposes and audiences in everyday situations and study. They will communicate confidently and effectively and develop the critical skills to respond to a range of information, media, and texts with understanding and enjoyment. They will develop first language competency in English.
Divided into three stages, the curriculum framework covers knowledge, skills, and understanding in the three strands:
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking and listening
The course supports progression to a range of English subjects at Cambridge Upper Secondary such as provided at Monarch High School.
What is the difference between the Cambridge program and the Gifted program at SSMS?
The Cambridge program adheres and follows the curriculum of the Cambridge University and enhances the Broward County curriculum and the Florida Standards. The Gifted program enriches the Broward County curriculum with additional resources and strategies for Gifted Learners, while meeting the requirements of the Florida Standards. If the student is currently in the Gifted Program and transfers to the Cambridge Program, will he/she still be considered Gifted? Yes. A student who has been identified as Gifted will always be considered a Gifted Learner by the district and the Cambridge teachers will continue to follow the student’s education plan (EP). However, the actual placement in school will be in the Cambridge classes that contain both Gifted and High Achieving students. It is recommended that students have scored both a 4 or 5 on the FSA Reading and Math state assessment and have earned an A or A/B grade point average. Students also need to have good attendance and good background knowledge of current global events. Please make sure to apply online and to apply prior to the deadline of date.
If I join Cambridge, do I have to stay with the program my entire tenure at SSMS?
No. We would like every student who joins the program to complete at three years. However, should circumstances arise, students may transfer in/out of the program at the end of the academic year. The program is fluid, accepting new students at the beginning of each year based on availability, and each case is addressed independently. Please note that SSMS has the right to remove the student from the Cambridge program based on academic, behavior, or attendance concerns.
How does Cambridge relate to the Bright Futures Scholarship?
Students who successfully complete the AICE courses required to earn the AICE diploma in high school and their service hours are automatically eligible to receive the full Bright Futures Scholarship regardless of their scores on the SAT or ACT. Beyond scholarship, the AICE diploma is recognized internationally by hundreds of top colleges and universities.
Click here for more information about Bright Futures Scholarships
What is unique about the Cambridge Program at SSMS?
We pride ourselves on treating the Cambridge students and faculty as a family and foster a culture of respect and academic excellence. We continuously bring the world around us into the classroom and relate topics taught to global and social events. Our students will participate in many group and team projects exploring their academic studies centered on these global themes and issues.
Program Entrance Criteria
Students are recommended to have the following:
- Score a level 3 on both FSA Reading and Math (Level 4/5 Recommended)
- A and/or AB grades in elementary school
- Strong writing skills
- Good attendance (Cambridge focuses on team and group work and attendance is vital for the success of the program)